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Showing posts from August 25, 2024


The Real Reason Why Jesus Never Got Married

  Nothing interest me more than writing about our Lord and personal Savior. Since you are already aware of his single life, I will move on to the real reason why he never got married.  I've come to realize that almost everyone seems to have answers to several questions in life even when they are inundated with them. But when it comes to Bible questions, only Bible enthusiasts are bold enough to take the bull by the horns.  And sarcastically, in an attempt to look smart, those who are not enthusiastic about the Bible give unbiblical answers that seem good and back it up with what we call instinctive reasons. For that misleading act do we have several unbiblical reasons on why Jesus never got married.  That's why learning about the word of God via the Internet which contains over ONE BILLION WEBSITES is dangerous... I mean damn right dangerous more than you can ever envisage, as what you do not learn is now much more important than what you learn. If one learn the wrong thing, on

If You Do This, God Will Show Up Even When You Don't Need Him