About Me

Olayiwola ID is a young theologian and president of the emerging Bible Enthusiastic Association of Nigeria otherwise known as B.E.A.N. 

By the grace of God, he has single-handedly written over 700 original Bible verse facts, 1,000+ different articles on trending Christians topics, 11 Christian books of which two are bestsellers, taught over 13,000 Nigerians a COMPREHENSIVE Bible study class for free as instructed by CBS (Comprehensive Online Bible School based in Texas, US). 

More so, he championed two online Christian communities with thousands of members spanning across 19 countries of the world. And he is currently the administrator of CBS online Bible school here in Nigeria.

Also, with the help of the Holy Spirit, he founded B.E.A.N, Bible Enthusiastic Association of Nigeria for those who cannot do without reading the Bible.

His passion for the word of God led him to start writing insightful posts on anything and everything about the word of God. That was after he gave his life to Christ at the age of thirteen. Onward, he was baptized and became a student pastor. The experience transformed his life, making it a turning point for him as he grew up a becoming a minister, speaker, educator and author.

He spends most of his time writing articles, blog post, books, speaking at christian gatherings, answering Bible based questions, teaching Bible study classes online and ministering in churches both home and abroad.


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