This is the online home of Olayiwola I.D, who divides the word of truth, which is the undiluted word of God as it is written in the Bible.
The First Miracle Of Jesus Was Not Turning Water To Wine
Before you see me as another Abel Damina, let me put it to you not to judge the content of this expository post until you’ve read it up to the last paragraph.
While we were growing up, in several bible study classes, different bible teachers told us that the first miracle of Jesus was turning water to wine.
You know as creatures of habit, once we start doing something or made to believe something for a long time, it then becomes very difficult to make us do another thing or believe something else contrary to what we already believed.
That is why you must have been thinking this is another heresy from the pit of hell just by reading the topic of this expository, Christian article.
Straight to it, the first miracle of Jesus was not turning water to wine. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who reads and studies the Bible except if he or she has not gone through the second chapter of John.
In chapter 2 of John, the story of how Jesus turned water to wine was explicitly narrated by John.
Now, read this…
John 2:3
And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”
Notably, this wedding was not a small event in the Bible days. A lot of people were invited including Jesus, all his disciples and Mary, the mother of Jesus.
To confirm the large number of guests at the wedding party in Cana, the host ran out of wine. Meaning, they had more crowd than they bargained for.
As soon as Mary, the mother of Jesus, noticed this, she went straight to his son, Jesus, to help the host out of the situation.
Now, the question anyone should ask while reading this part of the Bible is… why would Mary, the mother of Jesus, ask Jesus for wine? I mean wine in such quantity that would cover the large guests at the wedding party.
Did Jesus sell wine for a living?
Did Jesus ever owned a vineyard where wine was produced in Mass production?
No, absolutely, NO as Jesus never owned any property of his own. Not even a house, as he slept wherever he ended up spending the night.
Matthew 8:20
And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
So, why then would the mother of Jesus present such a request about the provision of wine to the wedding guests to her son, Jesus Christ?
If you're really following me, then you will have realized that Mary, the mother of Jesus, knew a lot about his son more than anyone present at the party, and that includes the disciples of Jesus, as well.
His mother, of course, would have seen Jesus performed several miracles at home that marveled her. Probably, providing food in the house when there was no money or multiplying the meat in the soup through miraculous means or providing wine to their guests when there was no wine at home…
All that confirm the fact that Jesus had performed NUMEROUS miracles at home right in the presence of his mother.
In the previous paragraph, I capitalized the word NUMEROUS to draw your attention to the fact that Mary witnessed a lot of miracles from his son.
In case you are thinking I made that up, read the verse below…
John 2:5
His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
Can you see the instruction that Mary gave to the servants at the wedding party?
That instruction is what repeating… “Whatever He says to you, do it.” No one will ever give out such an instruction if he or she is not so confident in the ability of the person in question.
And before the level of one’s confidence will reach the stage of that of the mother of Jesus as witnessed in this event, the person must have witnessed a lot of first hand miracles from the hands of Jesus.
Therefore, this miracle of turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana was the first recorded miracle of Jesus and not his first miracle.
Had it been his hour of manifestation had come, his four brothers at home — James, Joses, Judas and Simon — and his sisters, including his father, would have known about all his “secrets” miracles which his mother witnessed.
Just as he told his mother…
John 2:4
Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? MY HOUR HAS NOT YET COME.”
John 20:30-31
And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book;
but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.
John who witnessed — first hand — many things that were done when Jesus started his 3 years ministry made the statement above that Jesus did MANY THINGS which were not written.
Consequently, anyone who claims he knows everything about Jesus because he has read the whole Bible is only but a joker.
In conclusion, the miracle of turning water to wine was not the first miracle of Jesus, but his FIRST RECORDED MIRACLE.
Praise the Lord…
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