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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible

It is nearly impossible to have anyone narrates the story of the birth of Jesus Christ without them mentioning the part where the wise men gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to him. Surprisingly, these wise men are often mentioned in this exciting story because of their personality status in the society and level of humility whilst ignoring their relationship with the Almighty God.  In case you haven't heard this before, let me state it here categorically that these wise men never had no good relationship with the Almighty God.  Does that sound shocking or absurd to you? I guess it does.  Hold on to me... That statement above about the wise men in the Bible not having a good relationship with God is a pure fact from the Bible and not my own opinion.  Let me expatiate this fact, from the details given in the Bible, so as to clear your doubt. You know once people come across the fact that the wise men gave Jesus gifts and worshipped him, they assume these wise ...

The Real Reason Why Jesus Never Got Married


The Real Reason Why Jesus Never Got Married

Nothing interest me more than writing about our Lord and personal Savior. Since you are already aware of his single life, I will move on to the real reason why he never got married. 

I've come to realize that almost everyone seems to have answers to several questions in life even when they are inundated with them.

But when it comes to Bible questions, only Bible enthusiasts are bold enough to take the bull by the horns. 

And sarcastically, in an attempt to look smart, those who are not enthusiastic about the Bible give unbiblical answers that seem good and back it up with what we call instinctive reasons.

For that misleading act do we have several unbiblical reasons on why Jesus never got married. 

That's why learning about the word of God via the Internet which contains over ONE BILLION WEBSITES is dangerous... I mean damn right dangerous more than you can ever envisage, as what you do not learn is now much more important than what you learn.

If one learn the wrong thing, one may end up believing a falsehood for a lifetime. 

Can you imagine!!!

Without mining words, perusing through the information available online on the reasons Jesus never got married will not only overwhelm you but also create a serious problem that will probably take you a lifetime to solve, if care is not taken.

Perhaps, you are not aware of the fact that it is easier to learn a thing than to unlearn it. Once your mind receives a piece of info, it sends it overtime to your subconscious mind, which makes it almost impossible to take it off your life... even your mind won't be able to erase it once it gets to the subconscious stage.

Thank God you are here...

As you know me quite well, no write up from me will ever derail anyone from the word of God, rather it will compel you to dig deeper into the word in the process of trying to confirm what will almost seem like an improbable assertion.


Let's pretend as if we've never heard any reason why Jesus never got married so that the real reason you are about to learn here can edify you as it should.


1 Corinthians 15:45-47

And so it is written, "The FIRST man ADAMS became a LIVING BEING." The LAST ADAMS became a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT. 

46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.

 47 The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven

Say no more Apostle Paul.

In fact, if I don't explain anything concerning this matter at hand, that 1 Corinthians 15:45-47 scripture will suffice.

But for the sake of emphasis and for better comprehension, let me put my pen to paper. 

Apostle Paul said that they were TWO ADAMS in the Bible days. Of course, the first Adam would be the first human being created by God to take care of Eden while the second Adam was the Lord, that is Jesus Christ. 

In other words, there is a striking similarity between the creation of the first Adam and the last Adam. 

By now you should know that creatures of God created directly by God are called Sons of God, this covers the angels in heaven. They were created DIRECTLY by God. This is often the reason why you will come across a phrase like "Sons of God" being used to refer to Angels in the Bible.

Genesis 6:1-2

Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,

2 that the SONS OF GOD saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.

In like manner, Adam was a Son of God, as he was created DIRECTLY by God. Our Lord Jesus was also a "Son of God," I mean the biblical phrasal meaning relating to a creature created directly by God and not the usual meaning we apportion to Jesus being the only Son of God.

On the contrary, we human beings are INDIRECT creatures of God, as sexual intimacy between a man and a woman brought about our existence.

Holistically, it seems the birth of Jesus had some sort of human involvement with it as he was brought to the world through the womb of a woman. Of course, human being was involved in bringing him to the world; however, not by sexual intimacy as we all know.

Matthew 1:20

But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

Now, to understand exactly the body make up of Jesus, all you have to do is to study the body of the first created man, Adam. Hope you've not forgotten? 

JESUS WAS MORE OR LESS CREATED LIKE ADAM. That was why Apostle Paul referred to him as Adam.

So, you won't be wrong to relate the body of Adam in the Garden of Eden with that of Jesus.

Adam in the garden of Eden was created a perfect man until sin changed his perfect body nature.

In case you never thought of the body structure of that Adam. He was made in such a form that needed no sexual intimacy. 

Adam never knew what loneliness was, although God created a female counterpart for him to help him out of  his lonely state. 

Don't be surprised, he never had such understanding of what loneliness could be as God and the all kinds of animals were all around him. 

For you to understand what I mean...

Adam never complained of being lonely to God, it was God himself who figured out that something was wrong somewhere with the nature of man. And that wrong thing was LONELINESS.

See it below...

Genesis 2:18

And the LORD God said, “IT IS NOT GOOD THAT MAN SHOULD BE ALONE; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”

Can you see it was all God's idea?


And when God wanted to correct this wrong thing — LONELINESS OF MAN — he took one of his ribs and use it to cure the loneliness, forming the rib into a new and opposite creature of man, which was a woman.

Biologically and scientifically, the number of Ribs in Human beings are 12 pairs (24 altogether). Ribs are always in pairs. So, to say ONE RIB means a pair. Just like your shoe at home...ONE SHOE means two legs of shoe.

Adam's number of ribs was reduced to 12 pairs from 13 repairs

Hope you are following?

In other words, Adam must have had 13 pairs of ribs (26 in total) before God removed one, thereby reducing it to 12 pairs (24 in total). 

Moving on, since the rib of Eve was not removed, at all, it means she had the complete number of ribs, which of course should be 13 pairs (26 in total). 

It's not confusing...don't let that number confuse you.

After that time, Adam now had 12 pairs of ribs while Eve had 13 pairs of ribs.

But do you know that if you ask doctors how many ribs human beings do have...they will tell you it is 12 pairs both for man and woman?

That's right. They are right if you ask the question in such manner. 

But if they tell you it is 12 pairs for ALL human beings, then they are wrong. As it has being proven that 1 in 200 people usually have 13 pairs of ribs like Adam had before God created Eve. 

And note this, those that usually have that 13 pairs among we human beings are "mostly" FEMALE And that confirms what is written in the Bible.

Let me explain so that you can understand this better.

If your parents, both of them, are DARK in complexion and you are VERY FAIR in complexion. Of course, you are not a bastard. The change in your body color may just be as a result of some change in the formation of some certain substances in your body or in the environment you are born.

Now, for the fact that you are fair in complexion does not mean your body does not contain the DARK color trait of your parents. 

Note this, when both of your DARK parents had sexual intimacy, the information of that dark color had been mixed together and passed down to your body before you were born.

So, even though you look fair, that dark color information is still right there inside your body...hiding inside a coded part of it. 

It is for a reason like this that FAIR people in such situation often find themselves giving birth to DARK in complexion children. Of course, that is because the dark color information their parents passed to them that refuse to show in them is now being passed to their own children.

Similarly, the 12 pairs of ribs in Adam has been passed down to us all and mixed with the 13 pairs of ribs in Eve. Therefore, since we all are generational great-grandchildren of Adam and Eve, it means some of us we have 12 pairs while some we have 13 pairs. 

Biologically, and I being a biologist myself, I know that in the correct proportion of inheriting an inheritable traits, the 12 pairs in Adam will appear mostly in male and 13 pairs mostly in female.

Mixing up, some male will have 13 pairs too while some female will have 12 pairs.

That is why 13 pairs of ribs are mostly found in female children in our generation.

Now, we come to the real deal...

How does this number of ribs relate to the marital life of Jesus?

Don't forget that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was female. That means she had the COMPLETE PAIRS OF RIBS, 13. And since Mary never had any sexual intimacy before she got pregnant, it means the number of ribs in Jesus would definitely be 13, too. 

Actually, if Mary, the mother of our Lord, had 12 pairs of Ribs as inherited from her parents, and as it has been passed down in mixed fashion from generations, Jesus wouldn't have been called another ADAM because 12 pairs of ribs is not typical of Adam in the garden of Eden. 

Again and notably, Jesus being called Adam by Apostle Paul out of inspiration of the Holy Spirit referred to Adam's creature before Eve or Sin came into the world.

Remember Adam never knew what loneliness was when he was created. In the same fashion, Jesus wouldn't have felt anything like being lonely. 

For the first Adam, God figured out that wrong thing called loneliness in him when Adam knew it not, but in the case of Jesus, it was quite different, as the SOURCES OF these two individual MAKE UP was completely different. 

Apostle Paul said first Adam was made from DUST while the last Adam was from the SPIRIT. And of course, spirit can never be lonely. 

That is why in the spirit realm, there is no family... No husband, no mother, no brother, no sister...every spirit is just the same and on it's own.


Let me still hope you are really following me.

Consequently, since Jesus could never be lonely as a result of his body make up, the need for a woman in his life would be like looking for butter when bread does not even exist in the world.

More so, with that pre-adamic body structure Jesus had, his body would not be able to experience what we call sexual urge. Don't forget his body was like the body Adam had before one of his ribs was removed for the creation of woman.

This is why I pity people who refuse to marry because Jesus never got married. These people are clueless as to why Jesus never got married; so, I won't blame them for such a horrible mistake.

Comically, they are comparing their body make up with that of someone who can never feel sexual urge or loneliness. 


Mind you, if you choose this difficult path for the sake of the Gospel, then you've done well.

Matthew 19:12

For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. HE WHO IS ABLE TO ACCEPT IT, LET HIM ACCEPT IT.”

God help us all.

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Thank you.