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Latest Bible Discussion: Is It Biblically Correct To Say God Created Light?
From the poll created on this Bible question, 100 percent of those who participated went for YES, as expected. In fact, anytime this Bible topic — "is it biblically correct to say God created light?" — is asked, 8 out 10 Christians usually say YES. In fact, the Bible Enthusiasts Association of Nigeria, all the people who casted their votes all went for yes and stated they had scriptural backing to support their voting assertion.
Mind you, and on the contrary, the Bible has a different answer to this question.
Are you surprised?
Don't take my word for it... read this latest Bible discussion to the end to see exactly what the Bible says about this topic.
BE PREPARED... You are about to learn great lesson from the Bible.
Olayiwola I.D: Okay, for our 7 brethren that chose yes...
Let's start dropping our scriptural references that prove that God created light so that we all can learn.
Bro Orekoya: Gen 1: 1-3
Genesis 1:1-3 says... 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
Olayiwola I.D: Okay... I'm waiting for other scriptural references from the other 7 Bible Enthusiasts who voted YES to this pertinent Bible discussion.
Bro Smart: Genesis 1:16
Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.
Olayiwola I.D: Do we still have more Bible references from others?
Bro Sunnypraise: John 1:5-7
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.
So God Himself is Light.
Olayiwola I.D: Okay... Good.
Let's start from here. Initially, I wanted to start from an angle that will make all Bible Enthusiasts to see things from a semantic perspective. Since, we've gotten to John 1:5-7, it's all well and good.
So, my question — to those of us who said YES to God created light — is... if God is light, how come light was created or was God created by God?
I've come to realize something that most people i come across are not even aware of the fact that JESUS, the Triune Son, is LIGHT.
When I say light, I mean REAL LIGHT.
Jesus said in John 8:12... “ I am the light of the world...
You see when people read this... They taught Jesus was referring to himself being a salvation to mankind. Of course, he meant that, but the LITERAL MEANING of what he was talking about is that he is the REAL LIGHT this world is using.
You see the challenge some Christians, if not most Christians, have is they tell people not to give LITERAL MEANING to any hard saying of Jesus.
Whenever I hear this, I laugh because they don't know who Jesus is: he is the WORD, itself. Whenever you hear anything from him, don't think twice about it. He means every word that comes out of him. In fact, all the words of Christ has A LITERAL MEANING.
Let me explain...
He said in Matthew 5:13... Ye are the salt of the earth...
If you want to understand what I'm insinuating, ask anyone what Jesus meant here, and you will different stories.
Here, Jesus meant LITERAL SALT. I mean REAL SALT.
As I was analyzing, we human beings are SALT. I mean REAL SALT. Mind you, don't think it is only the salt you use in cooking that is the only salt we have. We have numerous salt on Earth (those who are in science field already know what I'm talking about).
In case you don't know, the percentage of salt in a human body is very close to the percentage of salt in an ocean.
I think you should read the above highlighted statement again.
the percentage of salt in a human body is very close to the percentage of salt in an ocean.
In fact, in the body of some babies, you can bring out 40 TEASPOON OF SALT.
In addition, if you want to know if we human beings are really salt, let anyone loses the LARGE SALT CONTENT in his body and you will understand ASAP why Jesus said we are the salt of the earth.
Ask any doctor about the large salt content we have in our body, he or she will tell you that any human being that loses all the salt content in his body is no longer human. This is why we often put salt in our food. We do that to replace the salt we lose from body through sweat...those who have tasted their sweat during experiment will attest to this that our sweat is FULL OF SALT.
So, when Jesus said ye are the salt of the earth in Matthew 5:13, don't think Jesus was talking about just we being a source of salvation to unbelievers alone, as he also meant the LITERAL MEANING OF SALT.
Onward... let's desist from reading meanings to the word of Christ. Jesus meant LITERALLY every word you hear from him.
This reminds me of the time Jesus said he was the bread of life in John 6:48
You know what?
When the large followers with him heard that, they thought he meant him being salvation to mankind. Of course, he meant that, but LITERALLY he meant REAL BREAD that could be eaten.
You see Jesus knew this people would not understand. So, he explained further so as to make them know he was referring to REAL BREAD.
In that John 6:51, he said ...THE BREAD that I shall give is MY FLESH, which I shall give for the life of the world.
When they figured out he meant what he said, they began to quarreled among themselves.
Upon the dissension among them, in verse 55, he buttressed his point that "my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed"
At that juncture, not only the Jews were shocked, his disciples began to make some complaints, as they themselves were shocked to understand Jesus words as he meant it LITERALLY.
At some point, some of them must have thought if he is indeed BREAD that can be eaten, atleast some of them won't eat it, as he meant eating his flesh as cannibals do. But Jesus shocked them more that if no one eat his flesh (bread of life), they won't have ETERNAL LIFE.
Guess what happened...
Many of his disciples took their heels, they left him. Then, he ask his 12 disciples if they would leave him too. we all know the story, so why do we read our 6th sense meanings the word of God when Jesus meant LITERAL MEANING of every word he speaks?
At this point, i know some of us Bible Enthusiasts understand what BREAD OF LIFE means.
So, when next you are taking Holy Communion, let the people know that act is not a joke. The bread before you eat has been transformed spiritually to Jesus flesh... I MEAN REAL FLESH. I hope they understand what they are eating before opening their mouths...hmmmnnn.
Now, into Jesus as the light of the world in John 8:12.
Jesus was not just saying that he was the light of salvation, but also meant him being REAL LIGHT to the world.
If you want to confirm his word, check out that Genesis 1:3 as quote by one of us.
Genesis 1:3 says...
3 Then God said, “LET THERE BE light”; and there was light
You see that phrase "let there be" is what we theologians often discuss among ourselves. Not understanding that phrase has caused so much misinterpretation of the word of God.
You see that phrase alone as more than 10 different meanings from the Hebrew Bible. I mean over 10 different Hebrew words is given the SAME PHRASE of "let there be" so you will understand why we have semantic problems in our English Bible.
Onward... I told us that the phrase "Let there be" as translated in our English Bible means different thing in the Hebrew Bible.
For instance, "come to pass" from the Hebrew Bible is translated as "let there be." More so, "come about" from the Hebrew Bible is translated as "Let there be." Also, "arise" from the Hebrew Bible is translated as "let there be." What of "appear"? That word appear, too, from the Hebrew Bible is translated same as "Let there be." That is just 4 out of more than 10 instances.
Hope we all understand now what semantic problem is?
Anyone who does not understand Hebrew language with its word origin will not know that "let there be" as seen in different part of the Bible means different thing in the Hebrew Bible text.
So, the "let there be" in Genesis 1:3 for light is from the Hebrew word originating from "APPEAR" and not "come about" has many think.
So as not to confuse you, let me show you the "Let there be" originating from "COME ABOUT:" Genesis 1:6... "Let there be" firmament...
Hope you are following?
To reiterate, Genesis 1:3 "let there be" for light is different in Hebrew word origin from the Genesis 1:6 "let there be" for firmament.
You see when God use that let there be for firmament, he was creating firmament with the use of his voice (come about), but when he used the word let there be for light, he was simply calling light to appear.
Let me expansiate more so that you can understand me better.
Because we are created in the image of God, we human beings can create anything we want with any part of our body.
We human beings are accustomed to the fact that act of creation is done only through use of our hands. THAT'S NOT CORRECT. Just like God, we can create anything with the use of any part of our body. In other words, you can use your leg to create things the way you use your hand. Likewise, you can create things with the sound of your voice. In fact, any part of your body can be used to create things.
Let me bring this home... Before now, we humans think we can open doors with the use of ONLY our hands, but today we do open door with our legs. In case you don't get that... Visit restaurant or hotel with so-called automatic doors. Whenever you come close to the door, the door opens without your and touching it.
Although it seems the door is automatic, it is simply your leg that touches the door sensor. As soon as the sensor feels the touch of your leg, it opens the door. Intuitively, it was the use of your leg that got the door opened.
In like manner, there used to be a time we only operate our phone with our hand; today, we can use our face to operate it. In fact, our eyes alone can operate some electronic device like GOOGLE GLASSES.
What of cars that starts the ignition engine with the use of the voice of its owner?
All these samples seem new to we humans; however, it is not new to God. God had been using his voice to create things before the inception of this world.
So, anytime you see "let there be" for come about in the Bible for creation, God simply used his voice to create what was not in existence. Please, don't be mistaken...that is not the same thing as calling something that already exist to appear.
To buttress thy point, see what the Bible says in Genesis 1:7 about firmament after "let there be firmament" in Genesis 1:6. The Genesis 1:7 says And God MADE the firmament...
Hope you can see that word MADE for firmament after the use of the phrase "let there be" firmament???
Now, check every part of your Bible if you will see that word MADE for light. You will never see such verse. What you will rather see is the verse Brother Smart quoted earlier, which was Genesis 1:16 - Then God MADE two great LIGHTS : the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.
Whenever light is mentioned as being made, it will always be in PLURAL - LIGHTS... you will never see God made singular "light." The emphasis will always be light for the day — that is Sun — and light for the night — that is moon.
This reminds me of a meeting in which I ask a General overseer that made mention of something about light...
That why did God create lights in Day 4 after light was already available in day 1?
I asked that question to make everyone understand that God did not CREATE or MAKE light on Day 4 because Day 1 light was not sufficient.
God simply create lights on Day 4 because the Day 1 light was not going to be available for too long on Earth.
Let me explain so you will understand this...
You see, as the Bible tells us, there is no Sun or Moon in heaven, yet no part of heaven is dark, as there is light everywhere. Of course, it is not like light is being hung around everywhere in heaven as there is just ONLY ONE SOURCE of that light. That source is JESUS... Revelation 22:5 makes it clear even though it's talking about new Jerusalem.
All this means, the light that comes out of the body of Jesus is what is being used in heaven. This light has a great DIFFRACTIVE and RETENTIVE power. That is Jesus can be in one place in heaven and the whole of heaven will receive the light (diffraction). For retentive power of the light from him, depending on how long Jesus stays in a place determines how long the light from him — diffracted into the environment — is being retained in the environment based on the research we made from the Bible.
Let's go the scriptural way...
Jesus had been staying in heaven for ageless past, so the amount of light diffracted into all of heaven is enough to sustain the heavenly environment for eternity because Jesus has been staying there for ageless past.
In case you didn't observe this, Jesus only stayed on Earth during creation for 6 days. You will understand this pretty soon.
Have you observed that Jesus was not there when God the Father was in the formless, dark world while God the Holy Spirit was hovering over the water?
In fact, the evidence that Jesus was not right there when God the Father and God the Holy Spirit were already on Earth was the darkness that was still available on Earth.
So, when it was time for creation to start...God the Father called God the Son, JESUS to appear... That's why you see "let there be light"... It's like saying light appear or light come... We are ready or Jesus come
I don't think i still need to tell anyone that Jesus is simply light.
John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: GOD IS LIGHT...
John 8:12
Then JESUS SPOKE to them again, saying, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD"...
Hope you remember what happened to Apostle Paul when he was Saul on his way to Damascus?
Jesus appeared to him in his heavenly form when he spoke with him. Apostle Paul heard his voice, and when was curious as to who was speaking, in the process, he looked up and saw nothing but LIGHT.
Hope you remember that?
Acts 22:6-11 “Now it happened, as I journeyed and came near Damascus at about noon, SUDDENLY A GREAT LIGHT shone around me,... heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’
8 So I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.’
9 “And those who were with me indeed SAW THE LIGHT and WERE AFRAID, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke to me.
10 So I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me, ‘Arise and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all things which are appointed for you to do.’
11 AND SINCE I COULD NOT SEE FOR THE GLORY OF THAT LIGHT, being led by the hand of those who were with me, I came into Damascus.
Bro Adebayo: Wow, great teaching
Olayiwola I.D: in conclusion, when God the Father said "let there be" light, he was simply calling Jesus to come as everywhere was dark. Immediately, after the call, Jesus APPEARED... that's why the Bible says ...and there was light. You see that light from the body of Jesus was used for the 6 days creation. Then, after the whole creation, it was time for the Triune God to rest.
Of course, we know God won't rest on earth. That means the Triune God, including Jesus (THE LIGHT THAT WAS USED FOR THE WORLD) went back to heaven.
God the Father knew that all of them — The Triune God — would return after the creation, which means the light that come from the body of Jesus would be diminish in no time as the retentive power won't be much on Earth as Jesus only spent 6 days. That was why there was need for the creation of LIGHT'S' on the 4th day... If not the earth would return to its state of darkness in no time.
Bro Adebayo: Wow
Olayiwola I.D: By now you should know that if Jesus leave heaven for long, the light won't go off in heaven as the light from his body has being in diffraction for ageless past... invariably, the timing of his diffraction gives it an eternity retentive power. However, the reverse was the case for this world as Jesus only spent 6 days here in Earth.
Moreover, you will now grasp why Moses face shone after spending 40 days with the Triune God on the mountain. The 40 days light diffracted from the body of Jesus was retained on the face of Moses as he alighted off the mountain. And the Bible says...
Exodus 34:29-30
Now it was so, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses’ hand when he came down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that THE SKIN OF HIS FACE SHONE while he talked with Him.
30 So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, BEHOLD, THE SKIN OF HIS FACE SHONE, and THEY WERE AFRAID TO COME NEAR HIM
Of course, that did not continue for long as the retentive power of that light on Moses was only for a short period of time as he spent just 40 days where Jesus light was present.
BACK TO OUR SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES... If you say God created LIGHT'S' and you quote Genesis 1:16 you are right and biblically correct, but if you say God created LIGHT and you quote Genesis 1:3, you are wrong and biblically incorrect as that LIGHT was Jesus, and since God cannot create God, your quotation and interpretation will be outrightly wrong.
Hope this my long analysis suffice the explanation that it is biblically wrong to say god created light?
Sister Promise: Hhhhhm, great teaching, may GOD increase our understanding
Olayiwola I.D: AMEN
Glory be to God
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