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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible

It is nearly impossible to have anyone narrates the story of the birth of Jesus Christ without them mentioning the part where the wise men gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to him. Surprisingly, these wise men are often mentioned in this exciting story because of their personality status in the society and level of humility whilst ignoring their relationship with the Almighty God.  In case you haven't heard this before, let me state it here categorically that these wise men never had no good relationship with the Almighty God.  Does that sound shocking or absurd to you? I guess it does.  Hold on to me... That statement above about the wise men in the Bible not having a good relationship with God is a pure fact from the Bible and not my own opinion.  Let me expatiate this fact, from the details given in the Bible, so as to clear your doubt. You know once people come across the fact that the wise men gave Jesus gifts and worshipped him, they assume these wise ...

Best Way To Protect Yourself From Evil

Protection from evil

No one needs a soldier or policeman to reveal the level of insecurity in the country at the moment. It’s quite unfortunate that in the country of ours; most people are not always concerned about the unfortunate event that befall others, as long as the catastrophe does not affect them.

This lackadaisical attitude is totally not in line with the word of God in Mark 12:31 (and the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”) and that prompted me to write this article so as to help as many Christians as protect themselves without the need for ammunition of any kind.

Even those — the elites, president, Governors, commissioners etc — with ammunitions like guns and other sophisticated weapons and hefty bodyguards, In this country, are not safe.

Believe you me, no protection is as sure and guaranteed as the Biblical safeguarding measure you are about to discover in this my latest expository article. 

So, what exactly is this Biblical safeguarding measure that can protect one in this insecure country of ours?

In order to reinforce your understanding, let me start with the Triune God. 

You see almost every Christian you will find in this country knows about TRINITY: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. However, only few, very few, understands how the Triune God operates.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one, but they are distinctively different from each other. In fact, they act so differently that you may be tempted to think they are more than one. 

Even though they are one, one does not take on the role of the other…that is how mysterious our God can be. As seen from Genesis to Revelation, each of them has his own specific role in the life of human, and they will never for any reason change their roles.

“For I am the Lord, I DO NOT CHANGE…

Malachi 3:6

Most people think God will change to save or protect them from evil. Even if one is the greatest pastor who ever lived, God will never break his principles for you. If anyone, then, climbs a 10 storey building, the blunt truth is no matter how anointed the person is, he or she will definitely fall down after jumping off the building.

God the Father will never ever take the role of God the Son to make you happy. Neither will God the Son, Jesus Christ, take on the role of God the Holy Spirit to give you joy. Not knowing this truth has literally endangered the lives of a lot of Christians. 

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:32

From time immemorial, or from Genesis to Revelation i should say, the role of God the Father, as seen in the Bible, is always to answer PRAYERS while the role of God the Son is always to PROTECT (that is what you call “save”) and the role of God the Holy Spirit is to REVEAL things. 


The very first time I told people that it’s Unbiblical and wrong to pray to Jesus; they all looked at me in dismay. Surprisingly, these are people who have long castigated the Catholics for praying to Mary, not knowing that they, themselves, have been doing the wrong thing all these years.

No where in the Bible did Jesus mention that men should pray to him.

 Only Peter, James and John had the opportunity to always witness his prayer life. Then, one day, one of his other disciples challenged him, after his prayer, to teach them how to pray like John taught his own disciples. 

There, Jesus taught them and said…

“…When you pray, say: OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

Luke 11:2

In that prayer model, Jesus taught his disciples to always pray to the Father.

Obliviously, most people don’t pay attention to the way Jesus started that prayer. Even though he was God the Son, he never for once pray to himself, and you will never see God the Father pray.

As his disciples had the opportunity of being with him, they were lucky as they could ask anything from him since he was present in person, but they never ask for anything. Look at when Jesus revealed their mistake for not crossing the Rubicon below…

Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

John 16:23

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13

Do not be mistaken, those verses you read above referred to Jesus telling his disciples that he could do anything, they ask of him, for them while being on earth.

But the moment he was no longer with them, they would not have such opportunity again, and this, below, would be the only acceptable means of asking for something…

“AND IN THAT DAY you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ASK THE FATHER in My name He will give you

John 16:22

Hope you can see that? 

He said IN THAT DAY, that is when he would leave the earth, they would ask nothing. Meaning, they could no longer ask him for anything. Then, he went on to tell them that the ONLY person to ask will be The Father, and they should ask in his name.

Therefore, asking God the Son, since he is no longer here, is telling Jesus to carryout the task of God the Father in answering prayer request, he himself never make such mistake. 

Don’t be tempted to as God can never ever change for you or for anyone. 

So, all prayers should be directed to God the Father in the name of God the Son.

this is just a preamble, to make you understand that each Triune God has his own UNCHANGEABLE role in the life of Christians. 

Now, let me ask you of who is in charge of protecting Christians?

I hope you won’t mention God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. I told us earlier it is God the Son who does that. In fact, that was why he came to the earth. Hope you’ve not forgotten he came to save us sinners, that is to PROTECT US FROM HELL. 

In addition, he was born A SAVIOR which was why his name appeared to be JESUS, which means savior.

Go through your Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will see that only Jesus saved (protect) people. This was why none of his disciples was attacked while he was with them even though he had no sword. 

Wherever he is present in person, no harm of any form can befall his people. In turn, his apostle and other disciples in the Bible days were lucky, but unfortunately Jesus is longer on earth. 

In fact, after his ascension, they began to attack his apostles. Mind you, none of the children of God can be killed when Jesus is standing right there with him or her.

 After his ascension, only when God want his children to come back home (heaven) that you will see that Jesus would not intervene.

When Saul led the mob that killed Stephen, Jesus was aware, but he didn’t intervene as it was time for Stephen to go back home.

How did I know?

Stephen himself affirmed he SAW Jesus as they were stoning him to death…

But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,

And said, BEHOLD, I SEE the heavens opened, and THE SON OF MAN STANDING on the right hand of God.

Acts 7:55-56

Certainly, he saw Jesus doing nothing to save him because God wanted him back home. Without that, Jesus would have come down to where Stephen was.

Now, here is the SECRET: the safeguarding measure for Christians as given in the Bible: ALLOW JESUS, i mean the only Jesus who is heaven now, TO STAY AROUND YOU ALL THE TIME (in case you missed this…the Holy Spirit is already inside of you, but his role is never to save or protect…meaning, anyone can be killed even when the Holy Spirit is inside of him or her, don’t forget Stephen was full of the Holy ghost as they killed him with stones).

Also, let me sound this warning to you, being a Christian who goes to church “regularly” cannot save or protect you from the evil in this country. 

Notably, Jesus can protect anyone right from Heaven as he did for those in Damascus but to ensure he stays around you all the time is by doing what he said below in John 14:23 

“...If anyone loves Me, he will KEEP MY WORD; and My Father will love him, and WE WILL COME TO HIM and MAKE OUR HOME WITH HIM.

That is it. 

That is all you need to have him around you all the time: keep "all" his word. That is, do ALL the word of God says you should do and never do what he says you shouldn’t do. 

If you do, for instance, 99 out of 100 things the word of God says a Christian should do, you are joking with your life, that is worth reading the second time, because…

For the person who KEEPS ALL of THE LAWS EXCEPT ONE is as guilty as a person who HAS BROKEN ALL OF GOD’S LAWS.

James 2:10

Therefore, being a 99% (percent) Christian is not ENOUGH for Jesus to save or protect you.

My question is…do you know all, I mean, ALL... EVERYTHING... the Bible says we should do or not do as Christians??? 

If you don’t know "all" of them, you need to start reading your Bible NOW. The Gospel truth is YOU CAN’T DO WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW.

May the Lord help us all.