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See What This Special Praise Does…
One can go wrong in his or her prayer request, but no one can go wrong in his or her praise to God. In fact, more often than not, prayers made by Christians are outside the will of God. On the contrary, no praise to God can be out of his will.
Even the praise sessions that seem too absurd to you is gracefully accepted by our Father. No one needs to tell you that the more UNDIGNIFIED you are when praising God in the sight of the people, the more God HONORS you in their sight.
What is more absurd than that???
This was why Michal, the daughter of Saul, the wife of King David, got confused when she saw her husband dancing in a leaping and whirling manner that exposed his body.
She felt embarrassed seeing his Royal majesty dancing in an embarrassing manner before all Israel and his maids. As she showed her displeasure, David vowed to play more music and be more undignified than she had her witnessed.
The woman couldn’t understand the power of praise as it was done in a mannerless manner. Regrettably, for insulting David on that day, she became barren for life.
Therefore, to reiterate, you can never go wrong in praising God.
Of course, no one can deny the fact that praise brings result at all times. At this juncture, let me drop this so that you won’t think I’m making an unnecessary comparison between prayer and praise.
Both, prayer and praise, are needed in a Christian life. One cannot replaces another. In fact, when both of them are done alongside each other, the result is always extremely impressive.
Notably, praise works with or without prayer. It is more or less a refined gold that needs nothing else to beautify it. Whatever you add to Gold beautifies it the more. Even if you decide to remove all that is used to beautify it, it will still remain as beautiful as ever. Praise the Lord.
So, praise, unlike prayer, needs nothing to make it work.
If then you’ve seen the result of a typical praise in your life, you need to try this SPECIAL PRAISE. This special praise is always accompanied by these three (3) amazing results mentioned below.
Before I delve into the result, let me tell you what Special praise is.
A special praise is a praise that is done round the clock or done in difficult times without considering the difficulty one is experiencing. Praise the Lord.
You may ask of what I meant by round the clock???
Take a look at it below in the word of God…
Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments.
Psalm 119:164
Can you see that?
Seven times a day, that is what it means to praise God round the clock. Theologically, the 7 times is confirmed to be 3-hours interval. In other words, the timing will be 6am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and 12am(midnight).
I doubt if anyone could be that record of David. He did that everyday. No wonder he was a man after God’s own heart. That round the clock praise is what we call SPECIAL PRAISE.
Also, when a praise is done in difficult times without considering or paying attention to the difficulty one is experiencing, you’ve got a special praise, as well.
Some Christians will tell you they can’t do round the clock special praise because they don’t have that luxury of time...while they are still alive.
How on Earth will you be busy from Monday to Sunday, January to December?
Believe you me, no one in this world is as free as the dead. The dead people have all the FREE TIME you can ever imagine. Their free time is unquantifiable, yet God does not allow them to praise him, not even for A SECOND.
For the dead cannot praise you; they cannot raise their voices in praise. Those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness.
Isaiah 38:18
You may think those that are dead cannot talk; they can (remember the dead rich man communicated with Father Abraham) but they are never allowed by God to praise him. That is why David call the dead place a place of silence in Psalm 115:17.
So as a Christian, most especially the one who desires result of being a Christian, not just being a Christian by name, should find time, a day, that he or she can try out the special praise…not only for the 3 amazing results below alone, but also for the righteousness of our maker who deserves all praise.
Here are the results you will surely see when you do this special praise:
FIRST, God will begin to fight all your enemies that refuse to give up or repent from harming you. This was why God ambushed and killed all the Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites when they ganged up against the children of Israel.
On that fateful day, God instructed his children to remain calm, come to the war front, not with the aim of fighting, but to just come and see what will happen.
As Jehoshaphat knew the kind of Father he had, he appointed singers to lead the army.
Can you imagine a war front led by singers when armies are at the back of the war front???
Even their enemies would have been as confused as you can ever imagine for witnessing such a funny strategy.
As if Jehoshaphat knew, immediately they started praising God, all the Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites began to die (2 Chronicles 20).
Take note, in as much as God loves sinners (Romans 5:8) and want them to repent, he hates when they refuse to repent in the process of harming his children. Because of all sinners, he lost his ONLY SON, JESUS…so, no sinner should see it as business as usual for coming for another of his son or daughter.
SECOND, anyone who gives special praise to God, all the time, can never EVER die young. You can go and do your findings to prove me wrong.
That was why no one could kill David throughout his lifetime, not even King Saul who sought his life earnestly, got it. Even at a close range of throwing Javelin, by a warrior, that no one could escape, David escaped.
How do we describe stone killing a whole giant of philistine? Hope you remember the lion and the bear? Not to talk of countless numbers of enemies who came during his 40 year reign as king.
Look at what the Bible says about David…
He died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth and honor. His son Solomon succeeded him as king.
1 Chronicles 29:28
THIRD, you can’t experience “emptiness” if you offer special praise.
Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy?
Jeremiah 49:25
As you read above, Prophet Jeremiah talked of the city of God when he prophesied against the Ammonites and Edomites, his question revealed the city of God known for praise could never be deserted as many of them, of those days, expected.
Anywhere, I repeat, anywhere praises are offered continually, don’t forget that is a special praise, can never be deserted.
This is just the secret every barren woman needs to know. If someone has been praying for years for the fruit of the womb without seeing any significant result, tell her to try SPECIAL PRAISE for 7 days and see what happens. I’m that sure of this act as God cannot do without inhabiting the praise of his people at all time.
This is the secret of REDEEM CHURCH, don’t tell anyone I told you. You see when most Churches were in limelight, back in those days…the likes of C.A.C, Deeper life, Methodist, Anglican amongst others, no one reckon with Redeem church even though they were in existence.
The moment Pastor Adeboye took over from Papa Akindayomi, he changed the whole set-up to match what we call endless praise and that was it. Before everyone realized it, Redeem Church was all over the country.
It shocked every Christian in the country, including the ones in diaspora.
As if that was not enough, when the praise got to another level in all of those Redeem churches, Christians began to leave their respective churches to Redeem church. Even white garment church, likes of CCC & C&S lost a good number of their members to this PRAISE CHURCH.
Today, Redeem church has the largest population in this country.
Don’t be surprised, the same SPECIAL PRAISE, I’m telling you about, was the secret of the early church, too, during the time of the 12 apostles…see it below…
And they stayed CONTINUALLY at the temple, PRAISING GOD
Luke 24:53
PRAISING GOD and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the LORD ADDED TO THEIR NUMBER DAILY those who were being saved.
Acts 2:47
Praise the lord
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