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How To Pacify God's Anger
In as much as man was created in the image of God, then one would always be correct to state that every good attribute found in man is, definitely, inherent in God.
In other words, characteristic and reactive attributes like laughter, weeping and anger seen in man did not just spring up out of nowhere, it originated from the image of the Almighty God.
You might be surprised to see weeping or anger in the list of reactive attributes in God. Yes, truly, God the Father possesses the ability to weep. Don’t take my word for it, here is what the Bible says…
Jeremiah 9:10
I will WEEP and wail for the mountains and take up a lament concerning the wilderness grasslands. They are desolate and untraveled, and the lowing of cattle is not heard. The birds have all fled and the animals are gone.
That is God in there talking about what he would do, through Prophet Jeremiah, to the lifeless things in Jerusalem and Judah after punishing the nations severely. The situation of the land would be so bad that God would weep for the lifeless things in the land.
Although negative things are attributed to weeping, it is never in itself bad. Like the instance given above, God did not intend to weep because something bad had happened to him, but the act was to emanate out of pity as a result of the destruction in the land.
Similarly, human beings usually experience tears rolling down their faces when things of joy overwhelm their souls.
All of the above instances reassure us that weeping is just an emotional response. Therefore, we can say our God is an emotional person.
As for anger, there are several biblical examples of God the Father getting angry with different people for different reasons, at different time.
This same reactive attribute — anger — is also seen in man. So, to be angry is not a bad thing. In fact, the Bible is not against getting angry, as it is just a mere emotional response like laughter, happiness and others.
If getting angry is a sin, then what can we say about the Almighty God who got angry at different people who did not live in the same generation?
1 John 3:9 affirms anyone who is born of God cannot sin because of the seed of God in him or her. How much more God, himself?
Conversely, if anger last more than a set time, it can lead to SIN as Devil seeks such opportunity. That is why the Bible says in Ephesians 4:26-27…
“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.
This set time is only beneficial to man, and never to God, because the Devil can not take advantage of God. This is why human beings must avoid getting him angry as God’s anger can last longer than a sunset time. In fact, his anger can last for not only days, weeks or months but years.
For instance, can you guess how long the anger of God lasted on Jerusalem and Judah in the Bible days?
Perhaps, you are thinking is 40 days, 6 months or 1 year. Far from it, God was angry with them for straight 70 years. You read it right… 70 YEARS.
Zechariah 1:12
Then the Angel of the Lord answered and said, “O Lord of hosts, how long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which You were angry these seventy years?”
Can you even imagine what would have happened during those 70 years?...because no one can stand the resultant effect of the anger of God for ONE MINUTE, not to talk of years, up to 70 years long.
The children of Israel who lived during the time of Moses would understand better as they experienced the resultant effect of God’s anger in few minutes.
Read it below…
Numbers 11:1
Now when the people complained, it displeased the Lord; for the Lord heard it, and His anger was aroused. So the fire of the Lord burned among them, and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp.
Before they could pacify his anger, some children of Israel had already lost their lives as a result of the fire that came down from heaven.
If several children of Israel died at the instant God was angry at Taberah, imagine what the people of Jerusalem and Judah would have experienced during the 70 years of God’s anger on them.
Before I reveal how to pacify God’s anger, it is essential we are conversant of the resultant effects of the different types of anger some Christians claim we have.
I’ve read times without number that there are two types of anger. Some Christians claim there is
1. Holy anger
2. Unholy anger
These set of people believe if it is a divine being that is angry, that is a holy anger, but if it is human being that is angry that is unholy anger.
Truth be told, such classification is unbiblical. Any attribute of God seen in human is never unholy because it is found in a mortal being. As long as man is created in the image of God, as mentioned earlier, he or she will definitely possess the SAME attributes found in his or her creator.
So, whether anger comes from God or man, the resultant effect is always destructive (hold on a minute, I will expansiate on that soon).
This is why it is advisable to always stay away from anyone who is an angry person — no matter who they are to us — whenever they are angry.
Take note, I did not say stay away from someone who is angry, I said stay away from an angry person. The difference between the former and the latter is that… the former — someone who is angry — is responding emotionally to something, which is NORMAL and biblical, but the latter — an angry person — is someone who is known to have a perpetual anger issue, which is abnormal and unbiblical.
The wisest man on Earth said in Proverbs 22:24…
Make no friendship with an angry man, And with a furious man do not go,
Back to the resultant effect of anger, let me reiterate… whether anger comes from God or man, the resultant effect is always destructive.
Let me cite 2 instances in the Bible (one from God and one from man):
First, NONE of the millions of the children of Israel that came out of the land of bondage, Egypt, entered the promised land except Joshua and Caleb.
Do you know why?
Don’t take my word for it, take a look at the reason below…
Numbers 32:13
So the LORD’S ANGER was aroused against Israel, and HE MADE THEM WANDER in the WILDERNESS FORTY YEARS, UNTIL ALL THE GENERATION that had done evil in the sight of the Lord WAS GONE.
The evil — of unbelief — the children of Israel did before the Lord got him angry for 40 years… and the resultant effect of that anger was to make them wander in the wilderness for the time being his anger lasted, which was 40 years. To top it all, God ensured none of them entered the promised land by elongating the time of their wandering up to the point that would be more than the ages they were all to spend on earth.
As you can see above, even though the anger was from the Almighty God, the resultant effect was still destructive.
Onto the second — and very popular one — read it below…
4 Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, 5 but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was VERY ANGRY, and his countenance fell.
6 So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?
7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and KILLED him.
As you can see another instance citing the resultant effect of anger, Cain killed his own blood brother.
Consequently, it is better to do all that is necessary in order not to get the Almighty God angry, as his anger , too, will always end in a destructive manner. More so, his anger may not even last for days, weeks or months but years.
Then, what should we do to pacify God’s anger before things will get out of hand?
Trust me, many Christians are oblivious of this simple secret. Although some do, yet avoid doing it, perhaps, out of ignorance.
Let me take you straight to the word of God. At Taberah, when the children of Israel annoyed God, his anger brought down fire from Heaven. The fire ended up killing several of them at the outskirts of the camp.
At that point — just as many believers do nowadays when in danger of some sort — many of them would have shouted and echoed the name of God but nothing happened.
As the fire kept burning and killing them, then they cried to Moses who ran immediately to God — in prayer… and the fire got quenched.
If you are really following, you will have realized the significant thing that happened in that story written in Numbers 32. God didn’t listen to them, but he listened to Moses; God didn’t listen to their plea, but he attended instantly to the plea of Moses.
This was what the family members of Moses did not understand when they fought him for seemingly taking too much upon himself. They said…
Numbers 12:2
… “Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?” And the Lord heard it.
Now, see what God told Aaron and Miriam below…
Numbers 12:6-8
…“Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.
7 Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all My house.
8 I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?”
There, God made them realize the kind of relationship that existed between their brother and him as a result of his faithfulness.
Meaning, what saved the remaining children of Israel at Taberah during the fire outbreak was the prayer of a man who had a serious relationship with God.
Consequently, don’t dare pray to God when he is angry with you. Things, of course, will have gotten out of hand, in most cases, before you can pacify his anger. Rather, look for someone who has a serious relationship with him to help you pray to pacify his anger in no time… That is simply the simple way of pacifying God’s anger.
Mind you, you also need to have a relationship with the mediator for prompt attendance from him or her.
That reminds me of one popular pastor in Nigeria who was in a plane that was about to crash as the tyre of the airplane refused to function.
While the crew members and people on board were already scared to death and some, perhaps, already saying their last prayers, this pastor, who had a serious relationship with God, prayed to him.
At his amazement, God replied him immediately when he called and told him the cause of the plane mishap… that all he wanted to do was to gain his attention as the pastor is yet to talk to him for that day.
In other words, God seized the tyre of the plane because he wanted the pastor to call him for them to talk.
After his conversation with God, he started eating the food served him by the air hostess. The billionaire sitting next to him couldn’t hold himself as he saw the pastor eating food beside him while everyone was preparing to die.
Comically, as narrated by the pastor himself, he took the billionaire’s food, after seeking his consent, and ate it. He did that because he already understood what happened after praying to God. Thereafter, the pilots announced a safe landing as the tyre had eventually come out.
So, never try to pretend you have a relationship with God when things have gotten out of hand, most especially at the time God is still angry.
Rather than wait for things to get worse, run to someone who has a serious relationship with God to help you pray and right in that instant… you will see what a true, serious relationship with God can do for anyone at any time.
I hope from today, this article will encourage you to start building a serious relationship with God. Study all the people who had relationship with him in the Bible so that you can start following in their footsteps…
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