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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible

It is nearly impossible to have anyone narrates the story of the birth of Jesus Christ without them mentioning the part where the wise men gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to him. Surprisingly, these wise men are often mentioned in this exciting story because of their personality status in the society and level of humility whilst ignoring their relationship with the Almighty God.  In case you haven't heard this before, let me state it here categorically that these wise men never had no good relationship with the Almighty God.  Does that sound shocking or absurd to you? I guess it does.  Hold on to me... That statement above about the wise men in the Bible not having a good relationship with God is a pure fact from the Bible and not my own opinion.  Let me expatiate this fact, from the details given in the Bible, so as to clear your doubt. You know once people come across the fact that the wise men gave Jesus gifts and worshipped him, they assume these wise ...

3 Uncommon Reasons You Must Not Joke With The Ten Commandments

Firstly, the first time God spoke to the children of Israel; the words which came out of his mouth were the ten (10) commandments…

And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I come to you in the thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and believe you forever. So Moses told the words of the people to the Lord.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes.

And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. Exodus 19:9-11 kjv

In the garden of Eden, the voice of God was not something unusual as Adam and Eve heard it as often as he spoke with them. In fact, there was nothing dreadful about his voice. However, after they had eaten the forbidden fruit, God’s voice became a dreadful thing to them. They could no longer communicate with him freely. The voice they made the welcome their maker became a voice they hid from whenever they hear it. 

After the fall of man, God stopped talking with human beings the way he used to. He resorted to using intermediaries known as prophets. They became his mouth piece. Whatever he wanted to relay to manhe communicated it to his prophets who in turn passed it to the people.

After several years, God decided to talk once again to human beings as he did to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They were to hear his voice audibly. 

Moses was instructed to sanctify and cleanse the people of God, the children of Israel. More so, they were to wash their clothes, and men were to stay away from their wives for three days. In addition, Moses was to guard the mountain to deter the people from touching the foot of the mountain which could result in sudden death. 

After so much preparationGod descended on the mountain in thick cloudiness with a huge smoke accompanied with loud, unbearable sound of trumpet which continued with increasing tone until God talked. 

The scene was dreadful to all the children of Israel except Moses who was fond of hearing the Almighty God’s voice. 

Surprisingly, when God opened his mouth to talk, what came out of it were just the ten (10) commandments. If God could come down by himself from Heaven to the Earth to talk with human beings after restraining himself from physical communication for centuries, then the information from him would be something of utmost importance.

Secondly, the first time God wrote with his finger to manthe write-up was simply the ten (10) commandments

And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount SinaiHe gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stonewritten with the finger of God. Exodus 31:18 kjv

Assuredly, the existence of God started way back before human beings were created. Consequently, God must have done uncountable things, which were not recorded in the Bible, one of which must have been writing of books. In fact, the book of Life was written before God wrote the 10 commandments for Moses.

However, the very first ten God wrote with his mighty, unimaginable size finger, what he wrote was nothing else but the ten commandments. 

They were times he told Moses to write things down for a memorial so that generations unborn would have a glimpse into the mind of the Almighty in the dateless past.

Then the Lord said to Moses, Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. Exodus 17:14.

But at this crucial time, the Almighty didn’t tell anyone to do this writing for him, not even Moses. That showed how sacred and important the content of the write-up.

If God could take his time to write something with his hand (hand that covered the cleft of rock without any space But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.

And the Lord said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock.

So it shall bewhile My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Exodus 33:20-22) then everyone should read it. The bestselling authors in the world are hotcake. In the sense that whatever they write are always in hot demand. Some readers don’t even mind to gobble up the content of their books ever before it’s released to the public.

If anyone could show this kind of seriousness towards man’s write-up, how much more God’s write-up.

Lastly, it took God six (6) days to create Heaven and earth. However, he took him 40 days to write and release the ten (10) commandments

So Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights. Exodus 24:18

How can Jehovah create the world for 6 days and spend 40 days on them commandments? The answer is not far-fetched: He wanted to reveal the importance of the Commandments. 

He cherishes his word more than his name. Everything he created will pass away, but never his word. Not one hot will go unfulfilled. 

In conclusion, the 10 commandments should be revered due to the aforementioned reasons I’ve stated above. It is not just a mere ten; it is more than what anyone can envisage.