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Check Out One Of The Most Surprising Mysteries In The Bible That No One Is Talking About In Church
Then Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing on His right hand and His left.
And the Lord said, ‘Who will persuade Ahab king of Israel to go up, that he may fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ So one spoke in this manner, and another spoke in that manner.
Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord, and said, ‘I will persuade him.’ The Lord said to him, ‘In what way?’
So he said, ‘I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And the Lord said, ‘You shall persuade him and also prevail; go out and do so.’
2 Chronicles 18:20-21
God is ever holy. No matter what happens, he will never diminish his holiness with an unholy act. At a point in the Bible, the king of Israel — Ahab — who did not reckon God as much as he should, became a point of discussion in heaven as revealed by prophet Micaiah.
Heaven had resolved to bring his downfall. Consequently, a meeting was summoned among the heavenly hosts. As they appeared before the throne of Almighty God, Jehovah requested suggestions from the hosts of heaven as to how Ahab should fall. Several hosts gave their suggestions, but God seem not to pay attention to their takes.
Then one spirit stood before the throne of God and suggested to become a lying spirit in the mouth of the 400 prophets of Micaiah, and God accepted his idea and gave him the go ahead to implement it on earth.
Considering the outcome of the heavenly meeting, God was about to bring down an unrighteous king and sought for suggestions about how to go about it. Eventually, a spirit was given the mandate to bring down the king. The act revealed the sovereignty of God over all. He is not and can never be wicked. Even though he was responsible for the act, he never carried it out by himself as doing it by himself would diminish his holiness. An EVIL SPIRIT (we knew the spirit was an evil spirit from his evil suggestion) achieved the heavenly objective without God lifting a finger.
The question one should ask at this juncture is how come an evil spirit was among the holy heavenly hosts?
God forbid! Evil spirits do not dwell in heaven. However, the heavenly meeting revealed an evil spirit came up to carry out the act of bringing down an earthly king.
If evil spirits don’t reside in heaven, how come this one was there?
To resolve this mystery and answer this pertinent questions, the story of Job, the perfect servant of God, comes to mind.
Let’s read Job 1:6…
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.
According to the book of Job, the sons of God — angels — came before the throne of God and, surprisingly, Satan was among them. At this point in heaven, take note, Satan was no longer residing in Heaven as he had been casted out of the place as revealed in Revelation 12:9.
No man till date knows the exact reason God allowed and granted Satan the access to heaven after Angel Michael fought vehemently — it was an unimaginable WAR — with him and his demons who were one-third of the number of angels in heaven.
Notably, apart from Satan, his angels known as demons, are also granted the permission to enter heaven at any point in time they so desire.
That was why the evil spirit in 2 Chronicles 18 could appear in the meeting without angel Michael getting furious about his presence.
The story also confirms nothing happens on earth without God's knowledge. In fact, the spirit world controls the physical. God controls all the good and evil. He does the good through the angels in heaven and sometimes by himself, but he brings about the evil through the hands of the evil spirits and Satan who he allows mysteriously in heaven after casting them out his presence.
Mind you, for the fact that God allows demons and Satan to enter heaven any time they want doesn’t mean he will not punish them at the end of time. In fact, all of them have already been condemned to hell fire, which will be their everlasting home after the judgement in heaven.
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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible
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How To When God Is Really Angry Based On The Study Of Fire?
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