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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible

It is nearly impossible to have anyone narrates the story of the birth of Jesus Christ without them mentioning the part where the wise men gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to him. Surprisingly, these wise men are often mentioned in this exciting story because of their personality status in the society and level of humility whilst ignoring their relationship with the Almighty God.  In case you haven't heard this before, let me state it here categorically that these wise men never had no good relationship with the Almighty God.  Does that sound shocking or absurd to you? I guess it does.  Hold on to me... That statement above about the wise men in the Bible not having a good relationship with God is a pure fact from the Bible and not my own opinion.  Let me expatiate this fact, from the details given in the Bible, so as to clear your doubt. You know once people come across the fact that the wise men gave Jesus gifts and worshipped him, they assume these wise ...

Who Is Really At Fault, Judas Or The Devil? (Bible Discussion From Bible Enthusiasts Association of Nigeria)

Who Is Really At Fault, Judas Or The Davil? (Bible Discussion From Bible Enthusiasts Association of Nigeria)

NOTE: do not conclude on this pertinent Bible discussion until you are done reading the whole discussion.

As seen and written in the Bible, whenever Devil possesses somebody's body or mind, he makes him or her do wicked things unconsciously . And then, after carrying out the wicked act, God punishes the individual. A perfect example is the case of Judas Iscariot who never betrayed Jesus until the Devil possessed his mind. In other words, he was unconsciously under the influence of the Devil when he betrayed Jesus, yet the Bible made us know that Judas would suffer severely for that sinful act. 

Similarly, the serpent of old was influenced by the Devil. Thereafter, God cursed the serpent, and not the Devil.

So, I will like to ask us if someone who acts wickedly under the influence of the Devil, UNCONSCIOUSLY, is REALLY at fault.

Bro Orekoya: Yes, because they allowed the devil to use them for that act of wickedness; so, they are to bear the consequences of their sinful action. Before then, the Holy Spirit would have warned them before the Devil took advantage of the situation, as they themselves yielded to him.

Bro Stephen : Sir, he/she is going to be punished. Please don't forget that God has given us the free choice, either to choose evil or vice versa. To me, whatever happens to whoever, it's his/her choice. God told the Israelites through Moses that He laid down before them evil & good, life & death. What happened to some of them was their choice. God never forces Himself on anyone. Thanks sir

Olayiwola I.D: Bro Stephen, how exactly did they allow the Devil to use them?

Bro Stephen: Through their disobedience/ stiff-necked attitude. Most of the time, it's what God hated that they had interest in.

Olayiwola I.D: Notably, Judas Iscariot never made the choice of betraying Jesus on his own accord. The betrayal act was done unconsciously under the influence of the Devil.

Bro Stephen: How do you mean by done unconsciously? It's true the Bible said, someone would betray Christ, was Judas Iscariot's name mentioned as the one to betray Him? 

Olayiwola I.D: Done Unconsciously... by that I mean, Judas didn't know what he was REALLY doing until Jesus was crucified. 

Then, what will he be punished for... Is it for stealing money since a he became a disciple or for selling his master for money?

Judas stole Jesus money from the purse

Olayiwola I.D: Hmmmmnnn.... what an insight! I think this is getting us closer to the REAL REASON God chose to punish the individual rather than the Devil who influence them.

Bro Stephen: No, I think he's been betraying the trust of being a disciple through the love of money all along.

Bro Orekoya: By yielding to carry out the act. An arm robber knew quiet well that he might be caught in the operation, killed or jailed but he or she would still go ahead to carry out the act and if arrested, the next thing he or she would say is that it is the work of the devil. But unfortunately the law does not know the devil that influence him or her to commit the crime but he that committed the crime.

Olayiwola I.D: Sir, according to biblical research, people act wickedly and blame the Devil for their misdeed. However, in most cases, these people seem to be confused as to how on earth someone like them would have done such a wicked thing. This is what we refer to as REMORSE. As research would have it, any time such people show this act of remorsefulness — if checked properly — we will see that the Devil is really involve in their misdeed because these people don't realize what they are doing until they are done with the wicked act.

Of course, this explanation is never tenable under the law, but it is the actual fact.

Bro Orekoya: You are correct sir

 Olayiwola I.D: if that is the case, why then should they be punished for the wicked act which was "solely" carried out by the Devil himself through them?

Bro Orekoya: I have said it earlier. Judas made himself available for the devil to use.

Judas was not destined by god to betray jesus.

Judas wasnt afraid to steal from Jesus and that opened him up to be used by the devil.

There was no prophesy about betrayal of Jesus until Jesus said so. And Jesus made his first statement about Judas when he acknowledged that Judas was a thief before he prophesied that judas would betray him.

Assuming something bad has to happen to an evil man, God would never use a righteous man to execute it, he would make another evil man a vessel to be used by the devil to carry out his plans. That is why we shouldn't make ourselves available for devil to use.

Bro Bankola: yes, because of their ignorance, that's why the Bible say watch and pray for the enemy of thy soul is roaring like a lion looking for whom to devour. Those that do not have cordial relationship with God can easily be used by Satan, as he makes use of any idle hand.

Olayiwola I.D: great insight sir.

 This implies Judas was at fault even though he was unconcious of his betraying action.

This still boils down to the fact that they are at fault if the devil use them and should be held responsible for whatever happens unconsciously during the influence of the devil.

Bro Bright: Any sin done unconsciously or ignorantly can actually be forgiven.

As I've mentioned, on the last day, the devil may not be blamed for the actions of men, because God has given to everyone the will power. Whichever master we submit to, the same we are his servant.

As a matter of fact, anyone who will seek forgiveness from God while putting the blame on the devil for their actions may not receive forgiveness of sin.

Therefore, Judas Iscariot chose his master and actions consciously when he yielded to the devil.

Olayiwola I.D:  Can you verify that statement sir?

Bro Bright: Which of the statement please?

Olayiwola I.D: You said his action was a conscious one. What part of the Bible can substantiate that assertion?

Bro Kelechi : but to my own spiritual understanding I see all these things as God's Devine arrangement.

Bro Bright: Well the Bible never mentioned that Judas Iscariot was out of his mind either.

Someone who is unconscious could be insane, in deep sleep or dead, and Judas was not any of them. That was why I said he was conscious of his actions.

And talking about Bible verses, when we do study of what sin is, I believe it will do justice to the subject matter.

Bro Kelechi : Everything is God's Devine arrangement He is the God knows the end from the beginning

Bro Bright: bro Kelechi, do you mean God arranged for Judas Iscariot to be the one out of the twelve to betray Jesus?

Olayiwola I.D: The unconcious word I used there sir... referred to not being aware of one's action until the deed has been done.

I will be waiting for more take from other Bible Enthusiasts in the house so that we can all arrive at the same conclusion.

Bro Etim: Yes, because the person has open the door of his heart for the devil to penetrate. I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you. Ps 219:11.

Olayiwola I.D: Okay sir... Good. That means whatever the person does thereafter under the influence of the devil is still the person's fault even though he or she carries it out unconsciously.

Bro Opeyemi: Believers according to 2 Cor. 1:4, those who carry the divine nture of Christ Jesus cannot commit any sin unconsciously or ignorantly. 

1 John 3:9. Whoever is born of God doth not commit sin. 

The willpower that we are given is meant to help us make decision on our own volition, that is why we must be guided by the Holy spirit.

Bro Bright: If I understand you say, are you saying believers cannot commit sin?

 This house is becoming more interesting.

Can Believers commit sin according to the Bible?

Stay glued to this Christian blog for the concluding part of this pertinent Bible discussion.