This is the online home of Olayiwola I.D, who divides the word of truth, which is the undiluted word of God as it is written in the Bible.
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Why God Hates Divorce And Dislikes Marrying The Wrong Person
God doesn’t joke with the union between a man and a woman. He instituted marriage in the garden of Eden. No man can teach him about the institution because it started from him.
After creating man, he discovered the solitary being would find it difficult to live alone. So, he made a woman to take away his loneliness.
To prove how dependent a man would be on a woman, he created her from one of his bones. That was why Adam called the woman ‘Bone of his bone’ and the ‘flesh of his flesh.’ The moment a man and a woman are joined together in holy matrimony; they become one flesh.
Hardly do couple realize they are bound together by covenant — marriage vow. Read what God said about it below in Malachi 2:14…
“Yet you say, ‘For what reason?’ Because the Lord has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant.”
God revealed in the aforementioned verse that marriage is accompanied with covenant. Being a covenant keeper, he hates covenant breakers. He loves when one’s 'yes' doesn’t change to 'no' abruptly. He is a principled God. Inconsistency is of a serious concern to him.
If you know God in the time of Adam, you will discover he will still be the same God in the time of Moses. More so, up to the time of Paul and Peter, he was still be the same: He doesn’t change. Presently, he remains the same. His consistent lifestyle shows and proves why he loves people who are consistent in everything.
The moment you say yes to a woman or a man on the altar; he takes note. In that Malachi 2:14, it says he is the witness between you and your wife. This means when you divorce your wife, you are calling the attention of God. After all, he's the witness when you got married.
Moreover, he sees anyone who divorces his wife as a violent person. Take a look at another verse below…
“For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the Lord of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.” Malachi 2:16
You may be wondering why God would take divorce to the level of violence. His thoughts are higher and better than ours. If you study him well enough, you will discover (in 1 Samuel 15:3) that he takes rebellion and witchcraft as equivalent sin.
That means someone who is rebellious is not different from a witch to God. Equally, stubbornness and idolatry is the same thing to him according to the same verse.
In other words, don’t be surprised if God treats a divorcee like a violent person. He rates divorce and violence equally according to the Malachi chapter 2 verse 16.
As much as the Almighty loves marriage, he dislikes marrying the wrong person. You need to read what he said when Judah married a woman whose family worshipped foreign god…
“Judah has dealt treacherously, And an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem, For Judah has profaned The Lord’s holy institution which He loves: He has married the daughter of a foreign god.” Malachi 2:11
He said Judah committed abomination by marrying wrongly. You don’t need a soothsayer to tell you it is an abomination to marry someone who is not your bone of your bone.
More so, he said Judah profaned the Lord’s institution — marriage. That means Marrying wrongly is profaning God’s institution. You have to consult him before going after a woman. Adam never told God the kind of woman he liked or wanted. However, God knew exactly who would be the best for him, and he gave him Eve.
Bible records showed they were married for more than 800 years. All of the marriages in the Bible that God initiated never suffered divorce.
Moreover, never marry without consulting him (remember divorce is never an option to God).
I pray God saves all broken marriages and homes in Jesus name.
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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible
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How To When God Is Really Angry Based On The Study Of Fire?
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