This is the online home of Olayiwola I.D, who divides the word of truth, which is the undiluted word of God as it is written in the Bible.
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What!!! Has This Ever Happen To You Before?
Sincerely, there is nothing new under the Sun. Even the wisest man on Earth confirmed and affirmed the statement above in Ecclesiastes 1:9…
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
King Solomon searched and did virtually all one could ever imagine. His one and only conclusion was nothing but vanity. Consequently, he concluded, then, that there was nothing new under the sun.
Meaning, all you will ever go through in this world had been experienced by one or more people in the time past.
Are you going through the toughest time of your life?
Forget it, someone has gone through a more tougher experience than yours. In fact, their tough experiences cannot be compared to yours in terms of degradation and exhaustion.
You may think life is not being fair or the Almighty God is less concerned about all you are going through at the moment. God knows everything, everyone is going through on earth. He is omniscient. Nothing is hidden from him.
He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah,[d] do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.
John 21:17
All your actions, thoughts and feelings are wide open before him. Peter, during his conversation with Jesus, felt bad because Jesus kept asking him the same question. At the third time of asking him the same question, Peter who was the closest disciples to him was grieved.
Then he revealed the reason for his grief…“Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”
Therefore, you need to banish the thought of God being ignorant of all you are going through. The only person who will think that God doesn’t know all things is the one who doesn’t know him. If you are as close to Jesus as Peter was, you would have known him better.
Perhaps, you think some people or someone you know or probably don’t know is behind your predicament. You may be right or wrong. Even when you are right, take it to heart that nothing happens to any of God’s children by accident.
take it to heart that nothing happens to any of God’s children by accident.
No man or woman, even the devil and his demonic agents, can attack you without the consent of the Almighty God. In other words, both the good things and the bad things you’ve encountered can be traceable to the workings of our heavenly father.
He could be testing you like he tested Job (Job 1:8). Also, your predicament could be a punishment to your past sins (John 5:5). In addition, it could be as a result of God waiting to use your situation for his glory like he did for the man born blind (John 9:3). It could even be a case of appointed time: when your time has not come, there is nothing a prophet or an angel can do about it (Genesis 16; 21; Ecclesiastes 3:1). Abraham never had a child until he was 86 years old.
Can I tell you that Father Abraham never offended anybody. In his case, he had to wait till the appointed time.
So, why kill yourself?
Taking your own life forcefully will be THE MOST FOOLISH DECISION YOU’VE EVER TAKEN IN LIFE.
How do I know?
You want to kill yourself so that you can put an end to all this miseries, problems, tears, tireless tussles of this world, long time challenges, deteriorating health, unbelievable heartbreaks or financial mess; i’m not sorry to say...only a fool will want to end a LIMITED LIFE here on earth to go and suffer on the other side of UNLIMITED LIFE for eternity.
How can you stop a short suffering for a longer than expected suffering?
No one in his or her right senses will jump from WATER to FIRE. Even a mad man will never toil with fire, not to talk if HELL FIRE. Is your case then as precarious as the one of a mad man or woman who left his family for untold years and living under the bridge…come rain, come shine…eating all sorts of leftover foods packed beside the road by waste management officials.
Who told you…you are the first person to experience turbulent times in this world. So many had passed through the same and tougher situation — as i stated earlier — and they are now a living testimony of better life. In short, some people have completely turned to God because they are going through the same thing as you.
In other words, you are not alone. If you say you’ve lost it all, read the story of Job in the Bible. You didn’t lose more than him; if you say your heartbreak is too much, read the story of how Samson whose lover was given to her friend; for that single act, several people lost their lives. If you think your family hate you, they don’t hate you as much as Josephs' brothers hated him. Okay…you are dejected because someone lied against you. Your case can not be as bad as the one that landed Joseph in prison in a foreign land. If you are think the whole world seems to be against you, have you read about the Lord Jesus who was excruciatingly punished for nothing and still crucified on the tree? Okay, you may say your mother or father shouldn’t be your parent…do you realize Jethro the great man was born by a popular harlot in the Bible.
Believe you me, God has a better plan for you. Moses, the greatest prophet in the old testament, and Elijah — who could call fire down from heaven — were once depressed, like you, up to the point that they told God to take their lives (Numbers 11:15; 1 Kings 9:4).
Hope you can read that right?
As powerful as they were, they never took their lives because they knew the devastating consequence of such action. Eventually, they fulfilled their purpose on earth and went to heaven. Amazingly, when Jesus was to be transfigured, it was both prophet that appeared to Jesus and his three closest disciple.
I can go on and on my brother and sister. All I’m saying in essence is …it is not worth taking your life over anything. Life is the most precious gift from God to us. If you can not handle your situation, locate any God-fearing church and ask of the counselor or pastor and tell them all you are facing. I strongly believe they will help your situation with fasting and prayer and give you other support you need.
If they fail to attend to you, chat me up on Whatsapp 08165027879 (Olayiwola I.D).
Take note…God loves you so much that he sent his only, I mean, ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to the world to die for you (John 3:16).
Why would you then kill yourself when someone had already died for you just to save you from untold, unimaginable and unbearable hardship in hell?
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What No One Seems To Be Telling Us About The Wise Men In The Bible
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How To When God Is Really Angry Based On The Study Of Fire?
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