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How To When God Is Really Angry Based On The Study Of Fire?

  There was a time an inquisitive fellow asked a question of why fire breaks out when God is angry.  This is a simple question that demands a simple but detailed answer. Unfortunately, the Bible teacher who answered the fellow gave an unexpected answer that didn't really show the connection between fire breakout and God's anger. After listening to the answer the Bible teacher gave, I felt the same way as Apostle Paul when he addressed some Jewish Christians in Jerusalem who should have attained the level of bible teachers, yet needed to be taught the foundational principles of God, thereby displaying their level of spiritual immaturity. Hebrews 5:12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. Wildfire Outbreak In America With respect to the aforementioned event couple with the recent wildfire outbreak in California, Los Angeles, Oregon, Washi...

How To Know If You Have Missed Your Purpose of Creation As A Woman.

Women are indispensable, although they were created from the rib of man. Man was never created to do without a woman. That’s why single men find it difficult to live a normal life without women in their lives.

Reading through Genesis 2:18, you will discover the reason behind the creation of a woman. Take a look below…

“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18.

God realized Adam was lonely after creating him. So, he created a woman to help him take away his loneliness. In other words, women’s original purpose of creation was to help men. Any man who is still lonely after getting married needs to check himself, perhaps he married the wrong person.

Eve was bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of Adam. No wonder they both lived happily (even though they were sent out of garden of Eden) for 930 years as recorded in Genesis 5:5. 

Unfortunately, some women have missed their purpose of creation. Some women no longer see themselves as help meet for men. Instead of getting married to the bone of their bone, they married another woman — marriage of the same sex.

  As long as a woman is single, the man whose rib she is made of will continue to suffer loneliness wherever he is.

Also, a woman who decided to marry another woman has missed the whole point of her existence: A rib completing another rib, what a confused relationship!

A woman is not supposed to be lonely because of the way she was created. That is why a woman can live happily for years, with her children, after the husband has died.

However, a man cannot live happily after losing a wife. He will remain incomplete for as long as he lives except he remarries. If he fails to remarry, he may find himself committing immorality, which is one of the routes to hell fire.

It is mandatory you know your responsibilities in the home. You are playing an important role that must not be taken with levity. Mind you, you are not assistant, you are a helper. Imagine what will happen when someone is holding onto a small part of a rock that is higher than a skyscraper building and you are the only one around to help the person. What will happen if you refuse to help the person?

The answer is not far-fetched: Your husband needs you; your fiance needs you.

Make up your mind never to take the place of a man. You don’t need the help of man to be perfect; it is a man who needs your help to be perfect and complete.

Never force yourself on a man. Any man who is meant for you will realize, over time, that you are his bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh.

God bless you abundantly as you keep to your divine purpose.

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